Liner Notes is a weekly newsletter from Jason Tate of
The newsletter is published on the website once a week, usually on the weekend. It includes a rundown of things I find interesting, thoughts on music (both new and old, usually in the punk, pop-punk, alternative, and pop-rock genres), and a recap of my weekly entertainment diet (thoughts on movies, tv shows, books, comic books, and other things I’ve read or watched over the past week). Each week also includes a ten song playlist of music I loved during the week (for Spotify and Apple Music) and usually three to five things I think are worth sharing. Those topics can range from products or new apps I like, to often a rant about something currently newsworthy, or even a deep-dive ranking of a band’s discography.
Most issues range from 1,500-2,300 words.
This feature is one of the perks for all supporting members of the website (which costs $3 a month or $25 a year); however, I’ve decided to make it available to anyone that would like to receive it in their email so that it can reach more people, and maybe I can convince you to sign up as supporting member to help keep the website and newsletter alive if you enjoy it.
You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, online, and in our forums.